HOLLERS/Breaks and Intercessions
A series of gatherings for Black elders across Black churches | Praying, imagining and interceding for Black Freedoms
HOLLERS/Breaks and Intercessions
Psalms for Watch Night is a multi-directional offering that emerged from the Testimonies and Hollers/Breaks and Intercessions workshop series at St Paul’s Baptist Church in Philadelphia, PA. Led by Arielle Julia Brown, those workshops have taken place each Thursday evening on the church’s congregational wellness call since September 2020. As a Black space for respite, meditation, play, prayer, theatre games, cooking and other artmaking, the workshop series centers essential wellness practices for Black joy, survival and thriving amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, capitalist violence and white supremacy. Emerging from a meditation on the Psalms we lean on for support, a series of workshop participants shared visions/sights they experienced in mediation. Those visions became the inspiration for Very Special Old Psalms, the sculpture series by Charlyn Griffith-Oro, and the Psalms for Watch Night meditation series by Arielle Julia Brown. To see Very Special Old Psalms, click through the meditation zine! This project also materializes as meditation zine, Watch Night Service, short film on process, and a short meditation film (shot in-part and edited by Shanel Edwards). In early 2021 the Very Special Old Psalms will travel to participant homes, the church and The Colored Girls Museum. The workshops will continue every Thursday evening on zoom through the duration of the pandemic.
This project is made possible, in part, with the support of a Leeway Art and Change Grant.
Charlyn Griffith-Oro | Artist Statement
(Sculptor and Co-Dreamer)
I was not supposed to be born and I nearly died a few times on my journey to telling this story. Selah. I am a joyous, creative person and some days, I am a knotted shoulder or back spasm, an unspoken desire or new idea. I am strong and genius. Each day is a prayer answered. Amen.
I grew up doing Psalm work with my mother. These writings have guided many journeys, processes, failings and triumphs. The Psalms have been intoxicating, a reprieve and soothing balm more potent than aged grapes. Selah.
This work, VSO.Psalms (Very Special Old Psalms) is an exercise in seeing. Selah.
In witnessing the witnessing of Arielle Julia Brown’s time with elders and other participants, I was secondhand beholding visions of protracted thinking and meditation with the Psalms. It was a window. Selah.
And the imagery born is abstract minimalism. Because I cannot possibly retell another person's story word for word, but I can and will capture the simple beauty of their truth.
As with the Book of Psalms, I believe that with this work, (if the witness of it is open, available and willing) these pieces succeed in:
Pointing out our coming saviour
Asking that we be kept safe from evil, hurt, harm and danger
Admitting that we need help
Giving thanks & praise for work done for our benefit
Observing holy days for ritual
Practicing personal ceremonies
And finally Remaining poetic about life despite hardship
Thank you to the elders and other participants and to my new dear sibling Arielle for the call to fellowship with the Psalms.
Arielle Julia Brown | Artist Statement
(Lead Artist, Shaper, Facilitator)
Growing up as Black girl child, church-going was sometimes the center of my life and sometimes a non-practice. But faith was around everything and in everything - and every-thing itself.
My mother inherited psalmwork practices from her mother and my paternal grandmother. For us, this meant that the Psalms were the space to seek God when we didn’t have enough, when we were depressed, when we needed to bless or curse just and unjust people and circumstances. The Psalms have held my mother and my grandmothers. And many a day, especially as of late, they have held me too. And I have always loved Watch Night. Watch Night, as a ritual, has protected us and shored us up. In slavery, in freedom, in seemingly easeful years and in more vigilant seasons, it has been a prayer and a practice for our protection from our present into the next. It has been a longstanding dream of mine to make a work for watch night. I thank you for being in witness and community with this dream.
Over the summer, when Pastor Callahan approached me about facilitating/holding a weekly healing/meditative space on St Paul’s Baptist Church’s congregational wellness calls, I could not imagine how much I would personally come to need this weekly space with my church family. This workshop space over the last four months (and on into the future) holds our conversations, our prayers, our cooking, our jokes, our play, our dreaming, our writing and our artmaking right up next to our ever present anger, grief, despair and anxiety. Somehow, by the grace of God, we’ve been able to gather and hold each other through this collaborative process in spite of the times and being online. Making this deeply intimate offering despite not being able to touch and see each other in person has been a life affirming miracle set aside just for this moment. I pray there is miraculous joy here for you as well.
I give thanks for the deep and abiding generosity of:
St Paul’s Baptist Church
Charlyn Griffith-Oro
Shanel Edwards
Rev. Dr. Leslie D Callahan
Rev. Charisse Tucker
Courtney Morris (for sharing with me the language of psalmwork)
Julius Brown
Millie Langley
Dianne Tucker
Steve Jackson
Deirdre Rossell Wright
Darius Wright
Jeannine Kayembe
My mama n’em (always)
HOLLERS/Breaks and Intercessions
Hollers/Breaks and Intercessions, conceived by social practice artist and cultural producer, Arielle Julia Brown, is a writing and performance gathering circle for elders in Black churches to come together to develop and embody prayers for Black Freedoms. Rooted in the aesthetics of Black church traditions across denomination, this project pulls from Black Christian traditions in Todah praise, lamentation and Black liberation theology. This gathering circle is a space for Black elders to share wisdom, engage with contemporary struggles for Black justice and petition to God on behalf of our people. Hollers/Breaks and Intercessions includes workshops rooted in freedom song sharing, scripture, Black liberation theology sharings, and Black church gesture.
With the aim of facilitating seven gathering spaces across seven different Black churches around the United States, Hollers/Breaks and Intercessions will (1) transcribe and document the group prayers from each gathering to later be published as seven-day/weeklong devotional, (2) to later convene members from all 7 prayer groups to devise movement to each prayer that digital audiences will be able to recite and kinestheticly follow remotely.
Arielle Julia Brown is a cultural worker and social practice artist. Emerging form her work and research around racial terror, justice and U.S. slavery, Arielle is committed to creating and supporting Black performance work that commands imaginative and material space for social transformation. For a detailed overview of her work please see ariellejuliabrown.strikingly.com
With support from the support of Belmont A.M.E. ZION Church, the following intercessors are elders from Worcester, MA.
Laura Partridge, Intercessor
Belmont A.M.E Zion Intercessor
Ministry: Creative Arts and Expressions
Allenette Porcher
Belmont A.M.E Zion Intercessor
Ministry: Steward Board, Class Leader
Keith E Scott, Intercessor
Belmont A.M.E Zion Intercessor
Ministry: Health Ministry, Van Ministry
Donald Toney, Intercessor
Belmont A.M.E Zion Intercessor
Ministry: Usher Board
Lord help us to have a clear mind that we may be able to dream and use our mental abilities. Nourish us with the proper foods the strengthens us and protect against the unhealthy mind and body. Lord as we plant beanstalks let them grow and be the fruit of our labor. Let the communal dinner be ever a guide to good eating. Help us fight those foods we eat that sometimes work against our very systems. That we may walk with our heads high. And Lord let gathering be our refuge. Our place to turn to when we can no longer feel in place. Let us gather for community support.
We pray our church doors are open to organize for now and for the future to serve our community. By building safe walls in the church, by being there to address the crisis in our city, state and country. We pray to demonstrate our love through our action and channeling God’s love.
Heavenly father help to resolve the self-hatred in our black communities so that we can grow in peace and harmony to learn to love one another in first learning to love ourselves so that we can serve you lovingly.
Oh God of our people, we come asking for protection for our children. Help us to keep them safe. Help us to guard their safety. Remind us to teach them their histories and our testimonies of your faithfulness. Heavenly father, we bring our supplications to you to ask that you come into our lives to change our attitudes in how we have change in our behavior toward our church. Renew our respect and our love for our black church tradition and restore that tradition in Jesus name.
I pray the holy spirit moves in our children in Gods direction to return their souls to the holy ones.
And now to our God,
We shout joy
Fightin for freedom
We open our doors
To our freedom
We follow God’s mission
To our freedom
Without asking for no one’s permission
Cuz we fightin for freedom
In the holy name of Jesus we pray and we fight, Amen.
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